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What is bitcoin dominance?

Bitcoin dominance is mainly influenced by introducing new potential altcoins, changing market trends, and stablecoin popularity. Apart from providing a live feed of the number of coins in circulation and their prices, CoinGecko provides the market dominance charts of Bitcoin and some altcoins.

Will bitcoin's dominance fall in a bull market?

Bitcoin’s stability means that a drop in the total market cap impacts the volatile altcoins more — leading to growing BTC dominance. In a bull market, the reverse might be true. BTC dominance might fall despite the growing market cap as people are more willing to put funds in the riskier altcoins.

How does BTC dominance work?

Here, we'll explain how BTC dominance works. Calculating BTC dominance is straightforward. Let's imagine that the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies currently stands at $100 billion. If Bitcoin's market cap represented $60 billion of this, Bitcoin's dominance would stand at 60%. See? It couldn't be easier.

What is codominance?

8CO_Q1_Science 9_ Module 3 Codominance is a heterozygote condition wherein both traits are present simultaneously, rather than one fully determining the phenotype. A speckled chicken is a good example of dominance.

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